Friday, April 19, 2013

Male enhancement, Testofen, Testoril, testosterone,


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The Power of Testofen®

Testofen® causes the release of the body‘s own muscle building factory, Androgens. The most common of these androgens produced is Androstenedione. Yes, Testofen® can cause your body to produce its own Androstenedione. Testofen® uses its Anabolic 19-carbon testosterone-like structure to produce increases in lean muscle, strength and sex drive by a dual mechanism of action.
First Testofen® acts through the Adrenal Cortex by stimulating the secretion of Corticotropin Releasing Hormone (CRH) from the Hypothalamus in the brain. The CRH then causes the production of Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH) from the Anterior Pituitary Gland.
ACTH then acts on the cells of the Adrenal Cortex stimulating them to produce Androgens. Androgens are precursors to testosterone with testosterone like activity, the common one being Androstenedione.

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Understanding Testosterone and Androstenedione

Testosterone and Androstenedione are interconvertible in our body, especially in the peripheral sites of action like muscles where Androstenedione converts more into testosterone than the reverse.
In addition to stimulating the body‘s production of Androstenedione, Testofen® also seems to have testosterone-like properties all on its own. It seems to bind to the testosterone receptor sites in the body and seems to stimulate anabolic and androgenic activity similar to testosterone. This has been verified in the published studies below.
Don‘t waste time with other ineffective testosterone supplements….try Testoril™ now and begin experiencing the energy levels and muscle mass that you have been looking for!

The Vitality of Fenugreek

Fenugreek is a well-known herb, containing a variety of compounds as active ingredients. It is an extremely versatile herb with multiple applications. This amazing herb is said to contain more than a 100 phytochemical constituents. Amongst them are a lot of Furostanol Saponins and Steroidal Saponins.
Modern day life with its high levels of pressure, stress and pollution, saps the energy and vitality in our bodies. The first victim in our bodies seems inevitably to be testosterone levels. Ageing, along with pressures and stress, reduces our body's capacity to produce testosterone, leading to lowering of libido. Immune functions of the body also get affected.
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Significant clinical studies and references have shown that in addition to qualities like healthy sugar support, lipid support, lactation support etc., Fenugreek also promotes healthy libido and testosterone functions. The libido function happens both for women and men and is well recorded.
A lot of these saponins exist as saponin glycosides. Fenuside is a set of potent saponin glycosides unique to us which we have standardized, to give maximum benefits to users. We have done repeated studies and confirmed the powerful libido promoting properties. In addition to testosterone support, it also seems to act like testosterone by binding to the testosterone receptor sites and creating testosterone like activity. So its activity seems two fold.
Testosterone is not just like turning on a tap wherein you fill as much of testosterone as you want. The body has a balancing mechanism and each human body has its own threshold for basal testosterone levels. Testofen® helps promote healthy testosterone levels. In addition, it seems to act like testosterone to promote libido and muscle mass.

Fenugreek Extract Shows Male Libido Boost: Human RCT

Stephen Daniells, 16-Feb-2011
Daily supplements of an extract from Fenugreek may enhance male libido and help with the maintenance of normal testosterone levels, say results of a double blind randomized placebo controlled study.
A formulation containing a standardized extract of Trigonella foenum .graecum and minerals was associated with an improvement in libido for 81 percent of the men in the study, and a 63 percent improvement in the ‘quality of sexual performance’, compared with no such improvements in the placebo group, according to findings published inPhytotherapy Research .
The study used Gencor’s Testofen® ingredient and was conducted by scientists from Applied Science and Nutrition Pty Ltd, Clinical Trials, Brisbane and the University of Queensland.
“Currently the libido supplements field suffers from adulterated, spiked and hyped materials, without science and research, earning a bad name for the field,” said Gencor’s managing director RV Venkatesh.
“Testofen® stands out as a shining beacon in this field, with high quality science based on published animal and human studies,” Venkatesh told

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Remarkable Results

Testofen® has shown remarkable results in animal studies, showing intracarvenous pressure increase leading to healthy erectile functions. It has demonstrated excellent results in animal studies for promoting healthy testosterone and Libido and Muscle Mass.
Testofen® has demonstrated the following in a double blind, random, placebo controlled human clinical study of 60 subjects
TESTOFEN® group has demonstrated significant anabolic activity as evidenced by BUN reduction (p<0.05) compared to placebo. 
TESTOFEN® group has significant increase in Free testosterone (p<0.05) compared to Placebo. 
TESTOFEN® group has not only compensated the loss of Immunity significantly compared to Placebo (p<0.003), but has also increased immunity. 
TESTOFEN® group has shown significant reduction in Serum Creatine levels (p<0.02) compared to placebo signifying Creatine uptake and recycle in muscle cell. 
TESTOFEN® group has shown significant increase in Prolactin compared to Placebo (p<0.04). However this increase is within Physiological limits for men. 
TESTOFEN® has shown significant decrease in body fat compared to baseline. 
TESTOFEN® has maintained Muscle size despite maintaining weight and reducing fat.

References :
1.] Urmila Aswar et.atl, Effect of Furostanol Glycosides from Trigonella foenum –graecum on the reproductive system of Male Albino Rats. Phytother. Res. 24: 1482–1488 (2010)
2.] Effect of Testofen® on safety, anabolic activity and factors affecting Exercise Physiology. Wankhede et. al. To be published.
3.] Phytotherapy Research. Published online ahead of print, doi: 10.1002/ptr.3360 “Physiological Aspects of Male Libido Enhanced by Standardized Trigonella foenum-graecum Extract and Mineral Formulation” Authors: E. Steels, A. Rao, L. Vitetta
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